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சென்னை மாதவரம் பாதாள மெட்ரோ பணிக்காக 23ம் தேதி குடிநீர் விநியோகம் நிறுத்தம்


மாதவரம் சுரங்க மெட்ரோ ரயில் நிலையம் கட்டுவதற்கு வசதியாக, மாதவரம் பால் பண்ணையில் இணைப்புப் பணிகள் நடைபெற்று வருவதால், திங்கள்கிழமை காலை 8 மணி முதல் செவ்வாய்கிழமை அதிகாலை 4 மணி வரை சுற்றுவட்டாரப் பகுதிகளில் குழாய் நீர் விநியோகம் இருக்காது.

எனவே, பொதுமக்கள் போதுமான அளவு தண்ணீரை முன்கூட்டியே சேமித்து வைக்குமாறு வாரியம் கேட்டுக் கொண்டுள்ளது.

இந்த பணிகள் குறிப்பிட்ட காலத்திற்குள் முடிக்கப்பட்டு 24ம் தேதி மாலை முதல் இப்பகுதிகளுக்கு சீரான குடிநீர் விநியோகம் செய்யப்படும். எனவே பொதுமக்கள் முன்னெச்சரிக்கையாக வேண்டிய அளவு குடிநீரை சேமித்து வைத்துக் கொள்ளுமாறு அறிவுறுத்தப்படுகிறார்கள்.



The Angkor Wat. This beautiful temple is located on the east coast of Cambodia and was built during the reign of the Khmer dynasty (in November 1969 – in April 1971). 


10 ஆம் நூற்றாண்டின் தொடக்கத்தில் தென்கிழக்கு ஆசியாவின் பெரும்பகுதியை பேரரசு கட்டுப்படுத்தியது, ஆனால் வாரிசுக்கான தெளிவற்ற விதிகள் சிக்கலான அரச குடும்ப திருமணங்களின் வலையுடன் இணைந்து நெருக்கடிக்கு வழிவகுத்தது. முந்தைய மன்னரின் பேரனான நான்காம் ஜெயவர்மன், பாரம்பரிய அதிகார மையமான அங்கோரில் தலைவர்களின் ஆட்சிக்கு போட்டியிட்டார். 920 களில், அவர் வடகிழக்கில் சுமார் 75 மைல் தொலைவில் உள்ள கோ கெரில் ஒரு புதிய தலைநகரை அமைத்தார். 944 ஆம் ஆண்டு ஜெயவர்மன் IV இன் மகனும் வாரிசும் கொல்லப்படும் வரை கோ கெர் செழித்து வளர்ந்தார், அடுத்த கெமர் மன்னர் தலைநகரை மீண்டும் அங்கோர் நகருக்கு மாற்றினார்.

பெரிய அரசன் இரண்டாம் சூரியவர்மன்

அங்கோர் வாட் ஒரு கட்டடக்கலை தலைசிறந்த மற்றும் உலகின் மிகப்பெரிய மத நினைவுச்சின்னமாகும் - இது வாடிகன் நகரத்தின் நான்கு மடங்கு பரப்பளவைக் கொண்டுள்ளது.  இது 1110-1150 ஆம் ஆண்டில் 12 ஆம் நூற்றாண்டின் முதல் பாதியில் கெமர் மன்னர் II சூர்யவர்மனால் கட்டப்பட்டது, அங்கோர் வாட் கிட்டத்தட்ட 900 ஆண்டுகள் பழமையானது.

 ( OMG what a history of tamil King Suryavarman )

OMG great egypt doctors Mummy Homeopathic medicine for mummification in cattle history


                       Mummy Homeopathic medicine for mummification in cattle


Ancient egyptian civiliztion around 3100 BC The many achievements of the ancient Egyptians include the quarrying, surveying  and construction techniques that supported the building of monumental pyramids, temples and obelisks: a system of mathematics, a practical and effective system of medicine , irrigation systems and agricultural production techniques, the first known planked boats, and glass technology, new forms of literature.

Effective system of medicine:

Until the 19th century, the main sources of information about ancient Egyptian medicine were writings from later in antiquity. The Greek historian herodotus visited Egypt around 440 BC and wrote extensively of his observations of their medicinal practice. also wrote favorably of them in historical review. 

The father of medicine:

 Hippocrates (the "father of medicine"), HerophilosErasistratus  and later Galen studied at the temple of Amenhotep, and acknowledged the contribution of ancient Egyptian medicine to Greek medicine.
OMG egypt civiltion was great doctors living in this place

Herophilos    -     teaching Anatomy

Erasistratus  -    Greek anatomist and royal physician 

 Galen            -     physician, surgeon 

mummy powder has been treated as a healing substance in medical literature since the 16th century. Paracelsus (1493-1541) may have had mummies in mind when he assigned the name “mumia". The Persian word mum meaning wax migrated into Arabic and from there into other languages. It refers to asphalt, one of the materials sometimes used to preserve mummies. 


Egypt peoples are trust reborn so they are doing many more rituals and pujas. some kind of people do work coffin box make for naturally and egypt peoples are famous artists.for painting and colours making and ,cunnampu , black coal, gold powder. Finally that was great OMG HISTORY. 

Money across the world


                                                                                        When was money first  used ? 

Money is a medium of exchange of a certain value , which one cannot consume or utilize directly. Thousands of years ago people exchanged useful items with one another. Later, objects used for exchange, which had a generally  known value, were used as the mode of payment.Whene requirement of exchange increased, the first coins were made, later followed by paper money. Banks took over the money business. They lent money or printed bank notes during a strong inflation

Who invented  paper money ?

The first paper money was probably used in 1024 in china. in Europe, paper money was issued for the first time in 1483 in spain when there was a shortage of coins. china invented paper money during the Tang Dynasty that ruled between 618 and 907, and they used this currency for a long time before it found its way to other countries. In fact, when the famous traveler Marco Polo visited China, somewhere between 1275 and 1292, he found paper money so intriguing that he dedicated a whole chapter to it in his book. Being shrewd business people, the Chinese found the weight of the coin money to be cumbersome and figured that printed money would be more efficient. It makes sense too, considering that China also invented paper and printing. Paper money was conceived when merchants began leaving the heavy coins behind with a trusted agent who would record on paper how much money had been left as a deposit. This period was likely the beginning of banking as well. The increasing trade demanded increased payment, and it was inconvenient to pay large amounts with heavy coins. Therefore, banks began to keep coins and to issue receipts -also called as bank notes-for them. These were valid means of payment. They gave their owners the right to demand the corresponding amount of coins frome the bank at any time.similarly, today we have plastic ATM card issued by a bank that can be used for money withdrawal and other types of transaction, often through internet banking networks. 


   Fossils of Titanoboa have been found in the Cerrejón Formation, and date to around       58 to 60 million years ago. ... The giant snake lived during the Middle to Late                     Paleocene epoch, a 10-million-year period immediately following the Cretaceous-           Paleogene extinction event.  

The lord of this jungle was a truly spectacular creature—a snake more than 40 feet long and weighing more than a ton. This giant serpent looked something like a modern-day boa constrictor, but behaved more like today’s water-dwelling anaconda. It was a swamp denizen and a fearsome predator, able to eat any animal that caught its eye. The thickest part of its body would be nearly as high as a man’s waist. Scientists call it Titanoboa cerrejonensis  
It was the largest snake ever, and if its astounding size alone wasn’t enough to dazzle the most sunburned fossil hunter, the fact of its existence may have implications for understanding the history of life on earth and possibly even for anticipating the future.  

The river basin held turtles with shells twice the size of manhole covers and crocodile kin—at least three different species—more than a dozen feet long. And there were seven-foot-long lungfish, two to three times the size of their modern Amazon cousins. 
“It’s probably an animal in the 30- to 35-foot range,” Bloch said of the new find, but size was not what he was thinking about. What had Bloch’s stomach aflutter on this brilliant Caribbean forenoon was lying in the shale five feet away. 
Nine years later, Fabiany Herrera, an undergraduate geology student at Colombia’s Industrial University of Santander, in Bucaramanga, visited Cerrejón on a field trip. Tramping around the coal fields at the mining complex, he picked up a piece of sandstone and turned it over. There was an impression of a fossil leaf on it. He picked up another rock. Same thing. And again. 

Titanoboa‘s fossilised vertebra showed that it was a whopping 13 metres
 (42 feet) long. By comparison, the largest verifiable record for a living snake belongs to a 10-metre-long reticulated python, and that was probably a striking exception.  Large population surveys of reticulated pythons have failed to find individuals longer than 6 metres. By contrast, Head’s team analysed vertebrae from eight different specimens of Titanoboa and found that all of them were roughly the same size. A length of 13 metres was fairly ordinary for this extraordinary serpent. Not quite jormungandr, but amazing nonetheless.  It lived some 58-60 million years ago, when the Cerrejon basin was a giant floodplain, criss-crossed by rivers and nestled within a large tropical rainforest. This is exactly the type of habitat that anacondas thrive in today, and it’s likely that Titanoboa shared a similar lifestyle. It may well have been aquatic and hunted similar prey, like crocodiles. Indeed, other fossils from the Cerrejon pit include early relatives of fishes, turtles and crocodiles – all suitable prey for Titanoboa.

The giant snake’s measurements even tell us something about the climate of this ancient world. Snakes are cold-blooded. Their body temperature, and therefore their metabolism, depends on their surroundings, which slaps an upper limit onto the evolution of giants. At any given temperature, a snake can only become so large before its metabolic rate becomes too low to support If Titanoboa was bigger than living species, its environment must have been much hotter. 

 Head estimated that the tropical rainforests where it lived must have had average yearly temperature of 32-33 degrees Celsius, far hotter than the equivalent temperatures for modern tropical forests. These estimates suggest that the forests of that period were experiencing greenhouse conditions. These conditions, part of the planet’s history, have been written in stone, left for us to glean among the petrified bones of an ancient snake.

Referring to :(National Geographic) and (Smithsonian MAGAZINE)


Learn about the history and development of cinema, from the Kinetoscope in 1891 to today’s 3D revival.
Let's come to the matter.

Cinematography is the illusion of movement by the recording and subsequent rapid projection of many still photographic pictures on a screen. Originally a product of 19th-century scientific endeavour, cinema  has become a medium of mass entertainment and communication, and today it is a multi-billion-pound industry.

Publicity image of Edison Kinetophone, c.1895. No one person invented cinema. However, in 1891 the Edison Company successfully demonstrated a prototype of the Kinetoscope, which enabled one person at a time to view moving pictures.
The first public Kinetoscope demonstration took place in 1893. By 1894 the Kinetoscope was a commercial success, with public parlours established around the world.
35mm Lumiere Cinematographe camera/printer/projector, serial number 254, with brass taking and projection lenses with Lumiere Thread, crank handle. claw machanism designed for Edison perforations.
Lumière Cinématographe, made by August and Louis Lumière, and Jules Carpentier, France, c. 1895.
The cine'motographe was a camera,printer
and projector designed by brothers 
Auguste and Louis Lumière. It was first demonstrated at a scientific meeting in March 1895. The Cinématographe was used to present the first cinema show to a paying audience on 28 December 1895 at the Grand Café on the Boulevard des Capucines in Paris.

By the early 1930s, nearly all feature-length movies were presented with synchronised sound and. by the mind - 1930s, some were in full colour too. The advent of sound secured the dominant role of the American industry and gave rise to the so-called ‘Golden Age of Hollywood
During the 1930s and 1940s, cinema was the principal form of popular entertainment, with people often attending cinemas twice a week. Ornate ’super’ cinemas or ‘picture palaces’, offering extra facilities such as cafés and ballrooms, came to towns and cities; many of them could hold over 3,000 people in a single auditorium.
In Britain, the highest attendances occurred in 1946, with over 31 million visits to the cinema each week.
America prompted a number of technical experiments designed to maintain public interest in cinema.
In 1952, the Cinerama process, using three projectors and a wide, deeply curved screen together with multi-track surround sound, was premiered. It had a very large aspect ratio of 2.59:1, giving audiences a greater sense of immersion, and proved extremely popular.

However, Cinerama was technically complex and therefore expensive to produce and show. Widescreen cinema was not ntion of CinemaScope in 1953 and Todd‑AO inwidely adopted by the industry until the inve 1955. Both processes used single projectors in their presentation. 
who is the first daracter
Georges Melies built one of the first film studios in May 1897.It had a glass roof and three glass walls constructed after the model of large studios for still photography, and it was fitted with thin cotton cloths that could be stretched below the roof to diffuse the direct rays of the sun on sunny days. 

World history

  Anybody can make history. Only a great man can write it.